Skyrim Movie Poster - Concept Art

This is the first draft of one of my final pieces for my game to movie adaptation project. It is the design for a movie poster and includes typical layout features that can be found in existing fantasy/adventure posters; a slogan ("there's one they fear" is a line taken from the game-play trailer, although an improvement could be something more original) and a triangular structure of layered character portraits to signify their importance and relationship to the main character, who's frame dominates the image (bottom centre).

I took inspiration from the Lord of the Rings movie poster for "The Fellowship of the Ring". As the plot doesn't involve many side characters, which LOTR does (and includes within the poster), I didn't want to leave the parameter of the poster too bare, so to reveal slight detail regarding the protagonists of the plot, I surrounded the characters with flying dragons.

As this would, in theory, be the "first" film, regarding colour balance, I wanted to illustrate a neutral theme; blue is the over-laying base colour to portray the cold, harshness of the location, but it doesn't symbolize a particular emotion, and so keeps the audience guessing what sort of ending the film will have, peaking interest. Additional changes include removal of the credits, as the film hasn't "been released" yet, so this poses as more of a teaser poster. Lastly, I've moved the top credits further down as per the usual layout in most movie posters with heading credits.

As film sagas progress, the posters reflect the plot more; whether it will be dangerous, emotional or a finale.This is assuming the audience are already familiar with the characters and concept, so it's more about advertising the plot than introducing the film's alternate universe. You can see this displayed in the LOTR posters; Fellowship of the Ring was the first, and the poster is very basic and includes each character and most of them are accompanied with their weapons (or lack of) which gives the audience a slight idea of what sort of roles they'll play in the film (again, enough to peak interest without giving too much away, drawing in more people to watch the film). However, in the sequel posters, they're a lot more detailed and the images are more dynamic; it's starting to advertise the events of the film in the Return of the King poster. Even the layout of the portraits is not without purpose; on the Fellowship of the ring, the basic pyramid of faces makes it easy to establish the characters (which I have attempted to replicate in my poster). However, the Return of the King structure is, again, more dynamic and advertises drama and action.
