Movie Poster Experiment: The Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion

Oblivion is an XBOX game and part of the Elder Scrolls game series. They are iconic due to their complex and in-depth story lines, and I therefore thought it would be a good opportunity to foreshadow what movie posters may look like were video games brought to life through film. 

I used and recycled existing graphics from the actual game. As Oblivion was released in 2006, there weren't many graphics to work with, let alone decent quality graphics, therefore the poster is quite bare-looking. For my first attempt and seeing as it was going to be the beginning of an Elder Scrolls series of posters, I thought i'd start experimenting with inspiration from minimalist posters. Posters I looked at included Titanic and Jurassic Park. Due to their lack of content within their posters, the detail is centered at the top of the page and collateral detail near the bottom to create almost a triangular shape of graphics. I have basically copied the structure from the Titanic poster but flipped it vertically; the gate of Oblivion is at the top and the two protagonists are near the bottom. This is to indicate a hierarchy of importance among these details; the story isn't about the character, it's about Oblivion, like Titanic isn't about the boat, it's about the characters.
